City/State Opportunity

2022 Janitorial Services - Oregon, Ohio

City/State Opportunity
2022 Janitorial Services - Oregon, Ohiolist_alt
2 years ago


Oregon, Ohio map


Sealed proposals for janitorial services will be received at the Office of the Director of Public Service until 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, August 11, 2022, and will be publicly opened and read aloud. The City desires proposals for labor (3 person minimum), materials, equipment, and supervision for janitorial and window cleaning services, to be performed five days a week after normal office hours, excluding holidays. Services will cover multiple buildings, including the Court/Administration Building, Police Division, Water/Tax/Finance area, Parks/Recreation, and Streets and Water Distribution Buildings. Bids must include a bond or check for 5% of the bid amount, no less than $300. Bids should be submitted on



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